In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Jack Sparrow's pistol was the only real gun in the movie. Johnny Depp used a set of two flintlock pistols that were made in 1765. However, they were only used in scenes where they needed to be fired. Otherwise, he used replicas. But Jack's idyllic life capsizes after his nemesis, the wily Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), steals his ship, the Black Pearl, and later attacks the town of Port Royal, kidnapping the Governor's.
In Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) Jack Sparrow's pistol was the only real gun in the movie. Johnny Depp used a set of two flintlock pistols that were made in 1765. However, they were only used in scenes where they needed to be fired. Otherwise, he used replicas. But Jack's idyllic life capsizes after his nemesis, the wily Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush), steals his ship, the Black Pearl, and later attacks the town of Port Royal, kidnapping the Governor's.
Curse Of The Black Pearl Jack Sparrow Entrance
Captain Jack arrives in Port
Royal with commandeering
on his mind.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>One Day At Market
Jack risks his life and identity
to save Elizabeth and receives
no mercy from the Red Coats. ', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Rescue!
Jack frees himself only to be
confronted for the first time
with bloody Will.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Blacksmith Shop
Imprisoned, Jack is visted by
former crewmembers.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Visit From Old Friends
Jack makes a deal with Will
in exchange for his freedom.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>A New Friend
Jack gives Will his first
commandeering lesson.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Commandeering Lessons
Jack teaches Will his rules
of life.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Sailing Lessons
Jack finds his First Mate Mr.
Gibbs, and over drinks, tells of
his plans to get the Pearl back.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Tortuga!'
Jack takes on a new crew.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>New Crew
Piloting through a raging storm,
Jack presses on toward the Pearl.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Stormy Sailing
With It
While Jack pilots through a
graveyard of ships, Mr. Gibbs
tells Will about his past.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Reasons Have Nothing To Do With It'
Inside the cave of Isla de Muerta,
Jack tries to keep Will level-headed. ', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Try Not To Do Anything Stupid!'
Feeling the effects of Will's
braining, Jack tries to communicate
with the pirates.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Pearley-lee-lool!'
With an ace up his sleeve,
Jack talks his way out of
being murdered.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'I Know Whose Blood You Need'
In the captain's quarters of
the Pearl, Jack negotiates with
Barbossa.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Funny Ol' World, Innit?'
Abhoring unnecessary bloodshed,
Jack tries to bargain with Barbossa
for the medallion.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'I'm Having A Thought Here, Barbossa!'
Jack must first get free of the
brig before joining the fight.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Battle At Sea!
Jack watches helplessly as
bloody Will gives away his
identity.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>He's Playing My Ace!
All This
Thrown onto the plank, Jack
appeals to Barbossa's merciful
nature.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'I Really Hoped We Were Past All This'
Stranded, Jack is hounded by
Elizabeth for a quick escape.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'The Black Pearl Is Gone!'
Searching her heart through her
eyes, Jack tells Elizabeth the
truth of his last experience on
the island.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Confession
A deserted island,
a beauty at his side,
and rum in his veins,
Jack bares his dreams and
his heart to Elizabeth.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'What A Ship Really Is'
Jack is horrified to find
the food, shelter, and rum
burning at Elizabeth's hand.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Why Is The Rum Gone?!'
For reasons of their own,
Jack and Elizabeth each try to
turn the Dauntless toward Isla
de Muerta.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Aboard The Dauntless
Jack uses reason and Norrington's
protectiveness to set up his
chessboard.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Placing My Pawns
Jack is once again reunited
with Barbossa and his crew.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Not Probable!'
Jack masterfully pitches
his scheme to Barbossa.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Hear Me Out, Mate!'
The accord made, Jack
finds he underestimated the
cursed pirates' abilities.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'All Hands To The Boats!'
Swashbuckle galore as Jack
fights Barbossa.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Here There Be Monsters!'
Jack joins the Cursed to
end the curse and Barbossa's life.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Couldn't Resist, Mate!'
Laden with jewels and gold,
Jack points out Will's error,
then finds his ship and crew
gone.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>A Captain's Pride
Jack stands on the gallows
while his crimes are announced.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Crimes Against The Crown
Jack must rely on a one-man
rescue by Will.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Save Me!
Surrounded, Jack hears himself
defended by Will and reviled
by the governor.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'He's A Pirate!'
Special Place
Seeing an opening, Jack
begins to talk his way out.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'We've All Arrived At A Very Special Place'
Jack gives his trademark
farewell speech to the troops.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>My Farewell Speech
Rescued by a faithful crew,
Jack takes possession of the Pearl.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>The Black Pearl Is Mine!
Jack consults his compass
and sails toward that horizon!', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Drink Up, Me Hearties! Yo Ho!'
Deleted Scenes
Jack teaches Will the benefits
of restraint.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Advise
Jack and Will search for
Elizabeth aboard the Pearl.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'It's Begun!'
Jack goes off on a French
tangent.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Humiliated Grapes, Really'
Stranded together, Jack explains his
motives to Elizabeth.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'Bloody, Stupid Will!'
Elizabeth wants the truth about
the stories she's read.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'No Truth At All'
Jack hears Me Hearties for
the first time.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'How Much Rum?'
Jack and Elizabeth dance
around the fire.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>'I Love This Song!'
Aboard the Dauntless,
Jack and Elizabeth have their
first real heart-to-heart.', BGCOLOR, '#888888')' onmouseout='UnTip()'>Heed Your Words, Jack!